Aim Rule 26

The following information is being disclosed for the purposes of AIM Rule 26, updated on 4 July 2024.

All notifications and announcements are available on our RNS page.

Business Description

Click here to read a description of the business.

Directors’ Names and Biographies

Click here to view details of our board of directors and their biographies.

Corporate Governance Code

Click here to view details of our corporate governance.

Country of Incorporation and Main Country of Operation

Wishbone Gold Plc is incorporated and registered in Gibraltar under the Companies Act 2014 (formerly the Companies Act 1930) of Gibraltar. Accordingly, the rights of shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company. Its main country of operation is Australia.

As stated in the Admission Document, Wishbone Gold Plc is not subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. Wishbone Gold is governed by Gibraltar legislation of the Companies Act 2014, the Financial Services (Takeover Bids) Act 2006 and the Gibraltar Cross-Border Merger Regulations 2010.

Current Constitutional Documents

Click here to view our Articles of Association

Number of Securities on Issue

Click here to view our detailed Shareholder Information.

Restrictions on the Transfer of AIM Securities

There are no restrictions on the transfer of securities.

Nominated Adviser and Key Advisers

Click here for details on our Nominated Adviser and a list of our other key advisers.

Details of Other Exchanges or Trading Platforms

Wishbone shares are traded on the AIM market under the symbol WSBN.

Wishbone shares are traded on the AQSE market under the symbol WSBN

Details of Significant Shareholders

Click here for details of our significant shareholders

Annual and Interim Financial Reports

Click here to view our Financial Reports

AIM Admission Document and Circulars

Click here to view our circulars to shareholders.  Our AIM Admission document is also available by clicking here.