Cottesloe Project

We acquired the Cottlesloe tenement to give our exploration portfolio a balance by adding silver and lead: essential minerals for the manufacture of electric vehicles of all types. There is known mineralization at Cottesloe at surface and a few historic drilling results confirm high grades of silver in different parts of the property.

The historical results in the acquired contiguous Cottesloe East tenement indicate that the established anomalies on the Cottesloe tenement extend into this area.

Recent News

Cottesloe consists of two granted exploration licenses E45/4543 and E45/6455 and is considered highly prospective for precious and base metals.

Cottesloe East consists of one granted exploration license E45/6456 and analysis suggests that the established anomalies on Cottesloe extend into Cottesloe East as the new tenement contains the extension of the target sedimentary basin.

Further details on the prospectivity of these tenements and the future exploration plans will be advised by RNS to the market in due course.

Location & Infrastructure

The now 165km2 Cottesloe Project is located 35km south east of Wishbone’s Red Setter Project in the Paterson Range province of Western Australia.  It consists of the Cottesloe tenements E45/4543 and E45/6455 and the Cottesloe East tenement E45/ 6456.

Previous Exploration

Project Highlights:

• Rock chip geochemical sampling results reported up to 298g/t Ag

Multiple significant drilling results including:

    – SCR225: 5m at 102g/t Ag from 14m

        § Including: 2m at 165g/t Ag

    – SCR247: 2m at 73g/t Ag & 4.6% Pb from 8m

    – EWP2: 22m at 42.7g/t Ag from 8m

         § Including 8m at 72.13g/t Ag from 22m

    – EWP3: 18m at 29.3g/t Ag from 6m

    – EWP7: 20m at 35.9g/t Ag from 2m

         § Including 2m at 100g/t Ag from 8m & 4m at 69g/t Ag from 16m

    – EWP11: 4m at 41.25g/t Ag from 14m& 10m at 41.6 g/t Ag from 24m

    – EWP12: 8m at 58.37g/t Ag from 20m

    – EWP24: 8m at 54.87g/t Ag from 40m

Mineralisation trends interpreted to be over a 12km strike

(Note the Information set out above has been extracted from the mining portal of The Government of Western Australia Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety.)

Recent News Releases on Project

Drilling Suggests Large Sediment Hosted Base Metal Mineralised SystemMarch 15, 2024Newsnews
Further Encouraging Visual Results at CottesloeDecember 13, 2023Newsnews
Encouraging Visual Results at CottesloeNovember 13, 2023Newsnews
Diamond Drilling Underway at CottesloeNovember 8, 2023Newsnews
Confirmation of Mineralised Base Metal System at CottesloeNovember 1, 2023Newsnews
Drilling Update for Red Setter and CottesloeOctober 12, 2023Newsnews
Drilling update for Cottesloe ProjectSeptember 18, 2023Newsnews
Drill Rigs Mobilised at Cottesloe then Red SetterAugust 22, 2023Newsnews
Results of Gravity Survey at Cottesloe ProjectJuly 17, 2023Newsnews
Wishbone wins Government Co-Funded Drill program for CottesloeMay 31, 2023Newsnews
Results From Enhanced Processing of MobileMT Across All Cottesloe PropertiesMay 26, 2023Newsnews
New analysis shows major resource potential at CottesloeApril 27, 2023Newsnews
Acquisition of Tenement Contiguous to Cottesloe ProjectJanuary 11, 2023Newsnews
Heritage Survey Over Additional Targets at Red Setter Project CompletedMay 19, 2022Newsnews
Heritage Survey Over Additional Targets at Red Setter Project UnderwayMay 12, 2022Newsnews
Cottesloe and Red Setter Project UpdateMarch 7, 2022Newsnews
Land Access Agreement signed with Martu Native Title HoldersSeptember 6, 2021Newsnews
Cottesloe Project Update – 7 Targets identified, Lease extended for 5 yearsSeptember 2, 2021Newsnews
Drilling Approved for Cottesloe ProjectJune 4, 2021Newsnews
High grade Silver Acquisition in Patersons RangeMarch 3, 2021Newsnews